It's all about bouncing back

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Robert Smigel and Triumph the Insult Dog at Comicon

Dead-Frog has another fun analysis piece today. Through a series of short clips, you can see the process Robert Smigel uses to create a short Triumph the Insult Comic Dog remote for Conan. In this bit, Triumph visits Comicon -- which is a perfect situs for Triumph's shtick. So we are already off to a great start.

Todd's post gives us a rare behind-the-scenes trip through the process. We see Triumph's initial conversations with the convention nerds and get to observe how tidily Smigel prepares ahead for each interaction (I thought Triumph's remotes were too spiffy to be 100% ad lib). We also have an opportunity to compare the initial interaction to the final edited piece and see how well Smigel can remain focused on his true audience -- the Conan viewers -- without worrying at all about the fact that Triumph's line aren't always playing that well to the Comicon folks.

It's totally fun and fascinating.

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